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Gun Violence Prevention Research, 2023

The Fund for a Safer Future, a project of the New Venture Fund, is pleased to announce this request for proposals to support research that will help answer the question: What works to prevent firearm-related death, injury, harm, trauma, and to promote healing?


Firearm deaths and injuries and their toll on communities continue to be a significant and growing public health problem in the United States. Based on CDC data, every year, over 43,000 people in the United States are killed by guns and approximately 76,000 more are shot and wounded. We are increasingly confronted with the widespread and long-term trauma this issue is having on our nation’s emotional and mental health. And the CDC has found widening racial and ethnic disparities in firearm injury and death, with the greatest increase among racially minoritized groups.

The Fund for a Safer Future is a donor collaborative committed to achieving and implementing effective public policies and practices to reduce firearm-related harms including fatal and nonfatal assault, intentional self-inflicted, legal intervention, and unintentional shootings. The Fund supports local, state, and national-level projects to inform and advance evidence-based policy reform.

The Fund is announcing this competitive funding opportunity for academic institutions, researchers, and nonprofits to support projects that will inform the policy and practice of gun violence prevention and response effectiveness. The goal is to produce applied research that can advance the development and/or implementation of gun violence prevention, mitigation, or intervention policies or strategies within three years.

Grant Awards

The Fund will support projects with a total budget of between $25,000 and $250,000 that will result in peer-reviewed, published articles within three years. Note: research funded by the Fund for a Safer Future and appearing in peer-reviewed journal publications must be made freely and immediately available for all.


Institutions of higher education, individuals associated with institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Please note that primary investigators who currently have an active grant from the Fund for a Safer Future are not invited to apply, though there is no restriction on applications from affiliated institutions or researchers.

Research Priorities

The Fund welcomes applied or policy research proposals that inform effective prevention, mitigation, intervention, and response to all forms of gun violence and its comprehensive impact on communities.

We are interested in supporting research across these main areas of interest, or in topics that cut across multiple areas, including suicide and suicidal ideation, homicide and assault, intimate partner violence and homicide, unintentional shootings, use of lethal force by law enforcement, and the trauma to individuals and communities that results from these events.

We encourage submissions in traditional areas of public health and criminal justice as well as in other equally critical areas essential to violence prevention. These can include communications and media, economics, legal scholarship, clinician training and involvement, historical perspectives, multidisciplinary partnerships across these domains, and more.

The Fund welcomes projects using a broad range of methodologies or a mix of approaches: qualitative, quantitative, evaluations, cost/benefit, case research, comparative analyses, and more. We are particularly interested in participatory action research with communities most impacted by gun violence and in centering the voices of survivors and of communities with high burdens of firearm violence, including through projects that compensate them for their partnership and expertise.

How to Apply

Applicants should submit a brief (maximum of 4 pages) letter of intent (LOI) no later than June 2, 2023 outlining the proposed project. The LOI should address the following questions:

LOIs will be reviewed by a research advisory committee. Selected applicants will be invited to submit full proposals. Note that the project budgets may include up to but not more than 10% in indirect costs.

It is expected projects will commence on or before January 1, 2024 and be completed within three years.

Hyperlinks are allowed in the LOI and there is no specific formatting required.

Applicants will receive a response to their LOIs by July 6, 2023, with full proposals due no later than August 14, 2023, and grants announced in late October. Full proposals will require:

Contact Information

Letters of intent should be submitted electronically to Alejandro Albanez at the New Venture Fund

Please contact with any questions about the RFP.

Date issued: Tuesday, May 9, 2023.