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Expanding Research

Fund for a Safer Future funds a portfolio of research projects seeking to answer the question: What works to prevent gun violence?

Philanthropic support for research is critical because of limits on federal funding for gun violence prevention research. FSF-funded research projects have demonstrated the effectiveness of state firearm removal policies; quantified the relationship between substance abuse and firearm violence; and developed new and important insights about the characteristics of illegal gun markets.


  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of gun violence prevention policies.
  • Quantify the risk and protective factors for firearm violence.
  • Provide insights about the characteristics of gun-related injuries and deaths.

FSF Research Grants

Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Gun Sales 

Researchers at Duke University are attempting to study the impact of different minimum age requirements for firearm purchase and possession by former juvenile offenders. By following populations of juvenile offenders in these states over the course of ten years, the researchers will measure whether and how these minimum age laws impact rates of firearm violence and firearm suicide within the studied populations. Ultimately, the research is intended to inform future state-level reform efforts for minimum-age standards, which may offer a policy lever to prevent future gun violence among the at-risk population of juvenile offenders.

Effects of Permitless Concealed Carry Laws on Violent Crime 

Researchers from John Hopkins University are examining the impact of permitless concealed carry laws on violent crime rates to understand: 1) the impact of permitless concealed carry on rates of violent crime (homicide, robbery, and aggravated assault), and 2) the ways that permitless concealed carry can influence the trajectory of interpersonal altercations towards more violent outcomes. This empirical assessment of permitless concealed carry laws will provide policymakers with key data about the laws’ impact on public safety. 

Criminal Background Characteristics of Homicide Perpetrators and Victims and Suicide Decedents  

Prohibiting individuals convicted of certain crimes from purchasing and possessing firearms is a central tenet of gun violence prevention in the US. Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin were able to test the idea that expanding firearm prohibitions would impact firearm access as connected to gun deaths. In this work, researchers found that expanding prohibition criteria — including those convicted of violent or multiple misdemeanors, multiple DUIs, or under temporary domestic violence restraining orders — disqualified an additional 23% of those involved in gun deaths in Wisconsin from firearm access.  


The National Firearms Survey  

Researchers at Northeastern University (in collaboration with Harvard University) conducted the 2015 National Firearms Survey (NFS) — a landmark study essential to contemporary gun violence prevention research and policy reform efforts. Key findings in these articles — from estimates of the US civilian gun stock (265 million guns) to the revealing fact that half of U.S gun stock is concentrated within 3% of US adults — were disseminated through academic conferences across the country and featured widely in national media coverage. 


The National Firearms Survey Supplemental Results  

Building upon the success of their initial grant, researchers at Northeastern University used this additional grant to examine firearm storage practices in homes with children who may be at risk of self- harm; to examine firearm storage practices of Veterans who are at an elevated risk for suicide; and to measure gun owners’ beliefs in the suicide risk imposed by household firearms. Here researchers found that at least 4.5 million children in the US live in households in which at least one gun is not safely stored.  


2019 National Firearm Survey 

Researchers at Northeastern University (in collaboration with the Harvard Injury Control Research Center) designed, piloted, and conducted the 2019 National Firearm Survey. Among other things, the 2019 survey will: 1) test past assumptions and conflicting research results on the effect of child access prevention (CAP) laws on gun owners’ storage practices; 2) examine the impact of lethal means counseling (counseling on the connection between household gun ownership and firearm injury and death, by a medical provider) on gun owners’ storage practices; and 3) analyze youth access to firearms in homes where gun owners report locking up their firearms. The information contained in the 2019 National Firearm Survey, like past national firearm surveys, will serve as the authoritative guide to the attitudes and behaviors of gun owners in the US 

State Gun Laws and the Movement of Crime Guns Between States 

Researchers at Providence College studied the effects of discrepancies in state gun laws on the flow of crime guns between states. The researchers identified five state laws that were shown to reduce the export of crime guns: laws requiring the inspection of federally licensed firearms dealers; laws requiring permits or licenses for gun purchases; mandatory waiting periods for purchases of guns from licensed dealers; required reporting of lost or stolen guns; and laws granting local authorities discretion in whether or not to issue a concealed carry permit. 


Longitudinal Study of Handgun Ownership and Transfer (LongSHOT) 

Researchers at Stanford University set out to create a “cohort” (a database of individuals who experienced common events over a certain period of time) with which to study the effect of gun ownership on firearm deaths. With LongSHOT, researchers will be able to determine whether there is a causal connection between firearm ownership and firearm mortality using the most complete and robust data to date. Researchers have published details on how they assembled the cohort, as a guide for other gun violence prevention researchers in pursuit of similar research aims. 


Beyond Gun Violence Reduction: Can Focused Deterrence and Cure Violence Improve Clearance Rates and Deter Violent Offenders Long Term?

Researchers at Temple University are attempting to better understand the impacts of “Cure Violence” versus “Focused Deterrence” gun violence interventions in Philadelphia on arrest rates, sentences imposed, clearance rates for gun assaults and shootings, and risk of future offending. The city of Philadelphia, which implemented both strategies over a similar timeline, provides the setting to examine the deterrence processes and additional outcomes of the oft-competing gun violence reduction strategies. The project is seeking to understand which processes and components bring about reductions in violence.

Gun Violence in Urban America: Understanding Illegal Gun Markets 

Researchers at the University of Chicago Crime Lab conducted the largest and most comprehensive study of the underground gun market in cities across the US in order to better understand the types and sources of crime guns. The research findings underscore that, even in states with relatively strong gun laws, there are robust secondary markets for guns, which provide the majority of guns recovered at crime scenes. Published at a time when much national attention was focused on the rates of gun violence in Chicago, the research shed light on the dynamics of gun violence in cities, and suggested what can be done to disrupt it. 


Using Firearm Purchasing Patterns to Predict Future Firearm Violence 

Researchers at the University of California Davis are attempting to develop a threat assessment tool that uses data on an individual’s firearm purchases to predict future involvement in firearm violence. This analysis is meant to help identify individuals at risk of future firearm violence through their firearm purchasing patterns. As such, researchers hope the threat assessment tool may be used to prevent incidents of gun violence, especially mass shootings.

Quantifying the Use and Effectiveness of California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders

Researchers at the University of California Davis are attempting to conduct the first controlled evaluation of the effectiveness of extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs), called gun violence restraining orders in California, at reducing firearm violence and exploring police officer decision making regarding ERPO use. Because the ERPO law has been in effect longer in California than anywhere else in the country, researchers have a unique opportunity to conduct a rigorous study of the effects of ERPOs on respondents and others in their households over time. The project will also make unique contributions to the field by examining an understudied population that plays a critical role in ERPO implementation: police officers.

Firearms and Intimate Partner Violence in Philadelphia  

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania studied the use of guns in cases of intimate partner violence (IPV), and the extent to which law enforcement have complied with existing gun removal policies when summoned to IPV scenes. Federal law and Pennsylvania state law prohibit firearm purchase and possession by individuals under domestic violence restraining orders or by those convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor, but there is little known about the implementation of these laws. Using data on all IPV cases to which police were summoned in Philadelphia, the research team was able to identify major gaps in law enforcement’s compliance with federal and state firearm removal laws. 


Risk of Subsequent Firearm-Related Crime Among Individuals with Prior Misdemeanor Conviction.

Researchers at the University of Washington are attempting to examine the association between prior convictions for a misdemeanor crime and subsequent arrest for a firearm-related crime, and to evaluate if the association varies by specific types of crime, including violent and non-violent offenses. In Washington State, individuals convicted of misdemeanors other than domestic violence are not prohibited from accessing firearms, making this state a suitable setting for evaluating which types of misdemeanors are associated with subsequent perpetration of firearm-related crime. This study will provide valuable insight into whether specific expansions of firearm access prohibitions to individuals convicted of certain misdemeanors could reduce the risk of perpetrating firearm-related crime.

How do Communities Respond to Gun Violence Prevention Policies? A Community-Focused Evaluation of Project Longevity, Connecticut’s Group Violence Intervention Program.

Researchers at Yale Law School are attempting to assess how high-risk individuals respond to and are impacted by focused deterrence tools and messages, as well as the social services and assistance to which they are referred. Researchers will use Connecticut’s Project Longevity—Connecticut’s largest gun violence prevention initiative—as an in-depth case study. The project will rely on a Participatory Action Research approach and include the voices of those most impacted by Project Longevity, not only as research subjects, but as partners actively involved in the design and development of our project.

Engaging Communities in Gun Violence Prevention  

The Urban Institute organized four convenings across the United States examining the disproportionate and devastating impacts of gun violence in communities of colorThe report, co-published by the Urban Institute, the Joyce Foundation, and the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, offered key findings on the nature and dynamics of gun violence in communities of color, including the disproportionate impact of assaultive gun violence on black Americans, and the ways in which a very small number of individuals account for the majority of assaultive gun violence in any given community. 


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